60 Min Consultation

Do you want support from a qualified Nutritionist? Someone who understands that diets don’t work and you need specific support to improve your Nutrition.

Get a Nutritionist in your pocket for a whole month for ONLY $99 normally $150! 

You KNOW that having a meal plan isn’t enough to keep you on the straight-and-narrow and diets never work (not for long, anyway). You KNOW that you’re never going to make alllll the changes in one hit (but bite-sized habit tweaks make all the difference (pun intended).

This program is for you if you need help in these areas:
  • Food – Eat what you love and feel good about nourishing yourself
  • Body – Learn to feel good as you are right now and nurture your body in a way that feels best for you
  • Mindset – Change your thoughts and replace negative stories with positive affirmations
  • Healing – Heal and release the stories that aren’t serving you
  • Movement – Find ways to move your body that feel good and use movement to release emotions
  • Spirit – Make a list of tools to call on when you need a spiritual lift

Package Details

60 Minute Consultation

How it works:

  • We book an hour together (in person or online meeting)
  • You tell me what’s not working with your food / intake / body
  • I work with you (and your food intolerances, likes, dislikes, cravings, habits and goals) to create your printable personalised meal and/or movement plan and email it to you to keep
  • We check-in weekly for the following month to see how you’re going and you can ask any questions (via email)

Consult Fee

One off payment of $99 (Normally $150)